
Our rugs are the work of artisans whose intricate weaving traditions are passed down through generations. The preservation of these age old skills and the income they bring are vital.
More than ten pairs of hands are required to create and finish each rug. Every purchase enhances the lives of our weavers and their communities, giving them a means to improve living standards and enjoy a discretionary income.
Each rug is nurtured on its journey from fibre to finished product by the skilled hands of our dyers, weavers and finishers. The handmade process results in them being imbued with a unique character.



Hand dyeing and sun drying add abundant texture and vibrancy to our yarn. Recipes are finessed through experience. For small batches, our artisans' tools are a fire, a stirring rod and a saucepan as the dye bath. Large ones use a hand-turned pole studded with hoops, off which the skeins are hung, dipping in and out of the cauldron of dye.



Using traditional hand powered winders, our artisans deftly guide armfuls of wool as it twists, filling spindles with richly textured yarn ready for the shuttles and weaving. The hemp used for our rugs is less pliable at this stage. After spinning, it is wound by hand lengthways around a long and slender wooden bobbin, destined for the loom.



Our rug designs make use of the traditional weaving styles of our artisans' communities, reinterpreted for contemporary interiors. Our weavers often work side by side on one loom or take turns to craft our flat weave, hand knot and braided rugs. Hand looming and knotting instils each one with subtle character and timeless appeal.



Gentle washing allows our rugs to shrink just enough to tighten up the weave and increase durability. Our artisans use wooden paddles to push the soapy water over both sides of each rug before rinsing them in the same way. Each rug is stitched to a frame and dried in sunshine. This retains their shape and enhances the fibre's appearance.



Hand finishing ensures each rug is as beautiful and well made as it can be. Every edge and surface is given attention by our artisans, who skillfully scissor and stitch errant threads and the turnover at each end. This final pursuit of perfection delivers a rug that is almost flawless, yet rich with warmth and ideal for today's interiors.


the final touch

The final touch to our rugs is thoughtfully preparing them before they are shipped. Our rugs are first meticulously checked for quality, labels are then attached and sewn on by hand, and finally they are rolled and neatly packed for safe travel. Each Creative Knot rug sees its journey's end when it arrives in your home.